qEEG Brainmaps
qEEG Brainmaps are an important tool we use to gather data in order to formulate treatment plans and assess progress. We look for brain damage, imbalances in connectivity, and learning disabilities.
The Quantitative EEG (qEEG) process starts with an EEG recoding which measures the electrical activity generated by your brain. EEG is a completely safe, procedure that has been in use by physicians since the 1920’s. Your EEG is then compared to a reference database of other EEGs.
During the recording, a cap is placed on your head with electrodes that are attached to it and are used to measure the brain's activity. The procedure is completely painless and non-invasive.
The test will take approximately 45 minutes. The length of the test depends on how still and alert you can remain during testing. The preparation for the test will take approximately 45 minutes, therefore, the total time in office is about 90 minutes.
Before the test, have a good night’s sleep the evening before and a solid breakfast . On the morning of the test wash and dry your hair thoroughly.